

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Installing HVAC in New Construction

When constructing a new building, whether it’s a residential or commercial property, the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system plays a crucial role in ensuring comfort and air quality. However, the HVAC installation process in new constructions is often complex and can be fraught with costly errors if not handled correctly. Here are five common mistakes to avoid during HVAC installation, and how Value HVAC Services in Lexington can help you circumvent them.

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Air Conditioning

5 Air Conditioning Problems You Should Know About

In the charming city of Lexington, where the warmth of summer sunshine quickly transforms into the sweltering heat, air conditioning systems are not a luxury but a necessity. They’re our primary line of defense against the oppressive heat, ensuring our homes remain comfortable sanctuaries. However, even these loyal machines aren’t immune to problems. For the unprepared homeowner, these issues can turn a peaceful summer day into a sweaty nightmare.

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Can Your HVAC System Influence Allergies? What You Need to Know

Allergies can be frustrating and difficult conditions to manage, particularly when triggered by environmental factors you cannot easily control. However, managing your home’s HVAC system can play a significant role in reducing allergen exposure, making it essential to understand how HVAC systems can influence allergies. In this blog, we will explore common allergens found in homes, how HVAC systems can influence allergies, and what you can do to minimize allergen exposure.

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